Jon Hammond Show 06 25 2022
Jon Hammond Show 06 25 2022

- 28 minute program on MNN / Manhattan Neighborhood Network channel 1, 39th year at time slot 01:30 AM EST Late Friday Nights / Early Saturday Mornings - Public Access TV Community Access:
Get Back in The Groove 2022 Reunion NAMM Show Opener Jon Hammond Funk Unit - bright and early opener on ADJ Lighting Arena Plaza Stage - Musicians:
Joe Berger guitar
Chuggy Carter congas / percussion
Ronnie Smith drums
Jon Hammond organ
Thank you for the beautiful audio Tony Mirador and Akroz San Diego Event Productions- Akroz Professional LLC Team, Greg Herreman productions, Mark Magill 'Stage Dad'
sponsors #adjlighting #shure
Anaheim Convention Center
It felt great to be back after 2.5 years break and see all our friends!
Jon Hammond Band "Where The Music Begins" Reunion NAMM
"Party Is Forbidden Here" by Jon Hammond
Jon Hammond Band - Ham-Berger-Friz Records ©JHINTL
"Soon I Will Be Free" from Hammond's Bolero album. One more time around for the 1970 B&W photos courtesy of Daniel Leventhal Photography from a band we had when we played up at the Russian River one hot weekend 51 years ago. My first car Plymouth Valiant - gas was 25 cents a gallon at the Regal Station on Oxford Street - good times! Some of the musicians are gone and some still with us - Pete Olson trumpet, Nic TenBroek trombone, Marc Baum tenor, Sheba Coates vocals, Don Mehl from El Paso TX drums, Jim Singer from Miami Beach FL guitar, yours truly at the Wurlitzer 140b electric piano I got from my friends in the Blue Cheer band - I remember some faded memories looking at the pictures - and very recent pictures driving in SF Mission District killing time before a gig. I'm playing a lot of gigs solo these days - but we'll get the band back together when the coast is clear! Stay safe out there everybody, I'll be back tomorrow - Jon Hammond
Joe Franklin signing off for Jon Hammond Show
©JON HAMMOND International 2022
Jon Hammond Show, Public Access TV, Community Access, Frequency, Music, Travel, News, Photography, Accordion, Hammond B3, Stories, Original Music, podcast, microphone
Labels: Accordion, Community Access, Frequency, Hammond B3, Jon Hammond Show, Microphone, Music, news, Original Music, Photography, Podcast, Public Access TV, stories, Travel