14258 is the SERIAL NUMBER of my Stolen Giulietti Classic 127 Accordion REWARD IF FOUND - Jon Hammond
I just got this great photo my Mom kept of me playing my precious GIULIETTI Accordions Classic 127 - this must have been just before it was stolen out of my apartment in Boston MA 1976 - I am still looking for it, we know now that the actual SERIAL NUMBER is: 14258 - REWARD IF FOUND! contact Jon Hammond

*from Accordions Worldwide Megasite:
http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=03-Nov-2017&&s=13658 Thanks very much Harley Jones for putting out the word!
"Jon Hammond Stolen Giulietti Classic model 127, Serial No. 14258 - USA
by Harley Jones
Well known musician Jon Hammond has now found the serial number of his stolen accordion, a Giulietti Classic model 127 Serial No. 14258.
This accordion was stolen from his mother's house in Boston, MA in 1976. Picture right of Jon Hammond circa 1976, playing the stolen accordion.
At the time, John was attending Berklee College of Music and this accordion has a history, being an accordion of the great pioneer USA accordionist John Molinari.
If you have any information about the accordion, please email Jon Hammond at:
jonhammond@jonhammondband.com — with Giulietti Accordions USA and GIULIETTI Accordions at Berklee College of Music.
Shedding With Myself On Excelsior Accordion - Jon Hammond HD 1080p
Jon's archive
Like my friend Dick Contino the great accordionist star once told me: "When I break out the accordion it's like saying hello to an old friend!" Here I'm playing a blues with my custom built Excelsior accordion made by hand by the good folks at Excelsior Accordions & Pigini in Castelfidardo Italy - I have electronics on this instrument, but what you hear here is the pure sound of the high quality steel reeds, I really love this instrument. Mostly I keep it at home because the airlines can be a little rough on the instruments, I was lucky to get it home in one piece from Italy. Always a pleasure to play, enjoy folks, Jon Hammond Band http://www.accordionradio.com/ *Note: for those of you who don't know, musicians use the term "Wood Shedding" for practicing at home. When a musician says he or she is shedding, that usually means they are home or in a hotel somewhere practicing with their instrument - JH
Serial number 14258, Giulietti Accordion Accordion, Excelsior, Jon Hammond, Wood Shed, Funky Jazz, Blues, Castelfidardo, Italy, Local 802, Musicians Union
Labels: Blues, Castelfidardo, Excelsior, Funky Jazz, Giulietti Accordion Accordion, Italy, Jon Hammond, Local 802, Musicians Union, Serial number 14258, Wood Shed