P.Mauriat Go For The Sound Sunday Blues Session NAMM Show
P.Mauriat Go For The Sound Sunday Blues Session NAMM Show *WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: PMauriat NAMM Jam Sunday Blues Session Thanks to all the fine players who joined us on this fun session at P.Mauriat NAMM Stand in the final hours of the last day Sunday , we get the blues - like the end of summer camp, say goodbye until next year and hopefully we'll see some of you in Frankfurt Musikmesse! > Jon Hammond at the Sk1 organ with great players Greg Osby alto, Juan Alzate tenor, Willie Bradley trumpet, Jason Palmer trumpet, Tim Green alto, Alejandro Chiabrando tenor and more - special thanks Alex Mingmann Hsieh, Yao Shake, Agnieszka Obrebska and all Team P.Mauriat, Jim Wischmeyer Bag End Powered Speakers - see you next year at NAMM 2014, go for the sound! Jon Hammond http://archive.org/details/JonHammondPMauriatNAMMJamSundayBluesSession/ <
Blip TV http://blip.tv/jon-hammond/pmauriat-namm-jam-sunday-blues-session-6521463
Youtube http://youtu.be/HefVEehpg30
P.Mauriat, Go For The Sound, Sunday Blues Session, Saxophones, Trumpets, Organ, NAMM Jam, Anaheim *WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: The Sound The Soul The Summit Ultimate Hammond All-Star Jam Jon Hammond and Dr. Lonnie Smith at Winter NAMM 2013
new slogan “The Sound, The Soul, The One” and a “neo-retro” look - forego the imposters and say “Make Mine Hammond” http://archive.org/details/JonHammondTheSoundTheSoulTheSummitUltimateHammondAll-StarJam/ Kicking it off in the Hilton Anaheim Lobby at Winter NAMM 2013 on the first ever Hammond Organ night - Introduced by Master of Ceremonies Scott May: Dr. Lonnie Smith, Chester Thompson, Larry Goldings with Jay Dittamo drums, Jack Maher guitar - mix by Denny Mack. Jon Hammond Band playing "Late Rent" theme song of The Jon Hammond Show TV program. On Jon's band: Donny Baldwin drums (from Lydia Pense and Cold Blood, Jefferson Starship), Alex Budman tenor saxophone, Joe Berger guitar and Jon Hammond at the New B3 Portable Organ. http://www.HammondCast.com Special thanks Hammond Suzuki USA, Peter Nguyen, NAMM and Hilton Hotel Anaheim Peter Nguyen and Jon Hammond
Blip TV http://blip.tv/jon-hammond/the-sound-the-soul-the-summit-ultimate-hammond-all-star-jam-6520933
Youtube http://youtu.be/IQakXA_czpc Photo of Doctor Lonnie Smith at the Hammond Sk2 by Jon Hammond
Denny Mack and Scott May - photo: Jon Hammond
Chester Thompson flanked by Jon Hammond and Scott May
Power Shot L to R: Masato Tomie, Jon Hammond, Scott May, Yu Beniya, Masuo Terada
Power Shot L to R: Jon Hammond, Masuo Terada, Shuji Suzuki
Drummer Jay Dittamo speaking with Dr. Lonnie Smith on the bandstand, while Leo Stillo checks messages by the console
Chester Thompson, Doc Lonnie, Jay Dittamo in action - Jon Hammond
Jim Wischmeyer Bag End Speakers and Jon Hammond >
*WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: NAMM Jam at P.Mauriat Stand with Jon Hammond at the organ and horns Spontaneous NAMM Jam Session at P.Mauriat Saxophones and Trumpets stand with some great players - Jon Hammond at the Sk1 Hammond organ with many great players including Hoai Phuong Nguyen, Alejandro Chiabrando, Juan Alzate, Keyan Williams, Tim Green, Willie Bradley, Jason Palmer, Eddie Baccus Jr., Adam MacBlane - sorry if I missed anybody folks! JH - Special thanks to Alex Mingmann Hsieh, Agnieszka Obrebska - P.Mauriat, Jim Wischmeyer Bag End Speakers http://bagend.com Hammond Suzuki USA and the very kind NAMM Sound Police - see you next year 2014 NAMM and Frankfurt Musikmesse - JH http://www.HammondCast.com P.Mauriat http://www.pmauriatmusic.com http://archive.org/details/JonHammondNAMMJamatP.MauriatStandwithJonHammondattheorganandhorns
Yao Shake (謝瑤) and Jon Hammond
Hoai Phuong Nguyen (Hoai Phuong)and Jon Hammond
Youtube http://youtu.be/0C9HEsN5JGc Saxsbigfan 14 hours ago wow... so excellent performance !! Go! Go! Go! Go for the sound! Reply · Tsai Susan 14 hours ago It was so exciting to see your play at the NAMM with P Mauriat artists. The live performance was thrilled and joyful. Thank you, Jon. Without you, the NAMM would be less fun! Reply · A MH 14 hours ago Definitely, Jon deserves to have a big hugs and applauses...,whatsoever.. Jon's LIVE performance at PM's booth before ending NAMM ,which has been sparked a great highlights and memories to everybody, although ,it's only a whirlwind of 30 minutes jam sessions, but that's one of our historic treasure ,also to NAMM. We feel proudly to say “thanks you, Jon! those music makes people crazy and joyful time until the last minutes at NAMM, Jan. 27.2013 Go for the sound!! see you in 2014 Reply · A MH 14 hours ago Definitely, Jon deserves to have a big hugs and applauses...,whatsoever.. Jon's LIVE performance at PM's booth before ending NAMM ,which has been sparked a great highlights and memories to everybody, although ,it's only a whirlwind of 30 minutes jam sessions, but that's one of our historic treasure ,also to NAMM. We feel proudly to say “thanks you, Jon! those music makes people crazy and joyful time until the last minutes at NAMM, Jan. 27.2013 Go for the sound!! Reply · Tsai Susan 14 hours ago I was so excited to see your play at the NAMM with P Mauriat artists. It was live and thrilled. Thank you, Jon. Without you, the NAMM will be less fun! Agnieszka Obrebska Thank you Jon. It was an amazing pleasure for all of us from PM and our visitors and artists to host you and listen to your music at P. Mauriat booth. Hope you had a good time with us as well! Take care and see you soon somewhere around the world! Hoai Phuong Nguyen Oh Thank you Jon Hammond so much for tagging me this video. I had a great time. Can't wait till next time to play with you again. Alex Mingmann Hsieh Jon Hammond is NAMM's treasure, let us go ahead to celebrate big year with big show in the upcoming FMS, 2013 14 hours ago · Hoai Phuong Nguyen Thank you Mr. Hsieh for letting us try those saxophones out. 14 hours ago · Alex Mingmann Hsieh you are most welcome!! go for the sound!!see you at NAMM,2014 Blip TV http://blip.tv/jon-hammond/namm-jam-at-p-mauriat-stand-with-jon-hammond-at-the-organ-and-horns-6518179
With Greg Osby, Juan Alzate, Jon Hammond and Alejandro Chiabrando at Anaheim Convention Center
Jon Hammond's setup with Hammond Sk1 organ and Bag End Powered Speakers

Labels: Go For The Sound, P.Mauriat